I-25 and Powers Boulevard Interchange
- Transportation/Infrastructure
- Colorado Springs
Services Provided
Construction Materials Testing, Geotechnical Engineering and Pavement Design
- Project Construction included six bridges, five concrete box culverts, and 26,200 lineal feet of two and three-lane roadway.
- Four bridges were constructed as underpasses below the northbound and southbound lanes of I-25.
- The two remaining bridges were constructed for the east portion of the interchange associated with the ramps.
- A total of 49 borings were drilled with 16 of the borings for the six bridge structures and the other 33 borings along the roadway/ramp alignments.
- Subsurface materials varied across the project area and included topsoil, fill, clay, silty sand, clayey sand, poorly to well-graded sand with silt, sandstone bedrock, and claystone bedrock at various depths within the borings.