Sanderson Gulch Drainage Improvements




Services Provided

Geotechnical Engineering


  • Drainage Improvements to Reach 1 of Sanderson Gulch along the Platte River were identified by City and County of Denver to reduce flood risk to the area.
  • Improvements included the addition of a 9-foot by 7-foot cell to the existing reinforced concrete box culvert under South Lipan Street and 9-foot-high retaining walls on either side of this portion of the reach to improve the drainage Reach between the BNSF railroad bridge and South Platte River Drive.
  • The culvert beneath South Platte River Drive associated with the outfall of Sanderson Gulch into the South Platte River Drive was replaced with a 70-foot span bridge along with reconstruction of approximately 400 lineal feet of roadway.
  • Along with the preliminary and final geotechnical report, K+A provided geotechnical assistance during the construction phase.
  • This project was submitted by ICON Engineering (Lead Engineer) at the 2020 Colorado Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Managers Annual Conference and won and Engineering Excellence Award.  (Photos courtesy of ICON Engineering)

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